How to find housing in Pessac, where close to 15,000 young people come to study every year? In student residences or studios, shared flats or homestays, you will find all types of accommodation in Pessac on Studapart.
Student accommodation in Pessac, an important part for the commune
Pessac, an important student junction
Student housing in Pessac
Just like Talence, Pessac is known to be a university hub despite its relatively small size. There are many universities and schools in Pessac, such as Sciences Po Bordeaux and the University of Bordeaux. But staying in Pessac is not easy. The supply of housing is low given the size of the city, but the demand is very high. The rent is still more affordable than in Paris and Bordeaux, for example, and is more affordable than in the nearby town of Talence. It remains 12% higher than the average rent in the country, and 22% higher than the average rent in the provinces. The offer is quite diversified on the side of student housing in Pessac. You can find shared flats, apartments and studios in university residences in Pessac.
What average surface for a student dwelling in Pessac?
Students dwellings in Pessac are slightly smaller than the national average
On average, a student rental in Pessac is 20m², for a national average of 21m².
What kind of accommodation should I choose for my stay in Pessac?
You may choose among any kind of place in Pessac
In Pessac, students can find a flat in a student residence or in studios rented by private owners. Tighter budgets may go for homestays, who are quite common in Pessac. A room in a shared apartment is also a good option.
What average budget for student housing in Pessac?
Students will have to plan on average €589 for student housing in Pessac
The average budget for a student in Pessac is €601. This is well above the provincial average (€518), but it is of course lower than the budget of a student in Paris (€821). Around Bordeaux, the average rent is around 570€, with some disparities. For example, it is more difficult to find student accommodation in Bordeaux and Talence. Other cities in the region further away such as La Rochelle or Bayonne are a little cheaper than Pessac but economically less dynamic.
Who are the guarantors for student rentals in Pessac?
Family acts as a guarantor in most cases
90% of students in Pessac have a family member as their guarantor.
Where do students studying in Pessac come from?
Students are mostly from the region
The student population in Pessac is predominantly French. In the University of Bordeaux, most students are from the region. Sciences Po Bordeaux also attracts students from other french regions as well as international students. The region offers a very pleasant living environment, and living in the surroundings of Bordeaux is a good experience.
How to book student accommodation in Pessac using Studapart?
Studapart offers more than 500 student dwellings in Pessac
Studapart specialises in student housing and provides students with a dedicated online housing platform. The platform has offers of studios, flatshares, homestays and apartments in student residences in Pessac. With Studapart, they can book their student accommodation in Pessac online, with or without a visit.
What do students benefit from using Studapart?
Studapart makes the search for accommodation easier and has exclusive offers in store.
A 100% secure platform
We check quality and authenticity in our user’s profiles and listings.
The Studapart Guarantee
No guarantor? No issues. When you book your student accommodation, you can subscribe to the Studapart Guarantee. Studapart will then act as your guarantor for the whole duration of your stay.
The Studapart Certification
As it is difficult to secure a student rental in Pessac without a French guarantor, Studapart offers to international students a way of certifying their creditworthiness and authenticity of their guarantor's supporting documents.