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How to find a studio for rent in Paris 2?

Studapart helps you find a studio in Paris 2 where near 5 300 people are looking for housing every year! Read more

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FAQ on studios in Paris

🏙️ How to find your studio in Paris in a few clicks?

Check out our selection of verified studios available in Paris. Studapart really makes your search for studios in Paris easier thanks to the %count% proposed accommodations bookable from your sofa.

🚀 How to book an accommodation in studio in Paris?

To book a studio in Paris with Studapart, nothing could be easier! Register on Studapart.com, apply, book in Paris. Get an answer within 72h maximum guaranteed.

✨ How to get my housing subsidies for a studio in Paris?

Test your eligibility with your CAF Paris or register on Studapart to benefit from our housing assistance service. Most of the %count% accommodations available on Studapart are subsidized and therefore eligible for housing financial assistance (such as APL, ALS or ALF).

🙌🏼 How to find a studio in Paris without a guarantor?

To find a studio in Paris without a guarantor, register on Studapart and activate a Guaranteed Profile.
Private and self-contained space, fully equipped for your comfort.
Private room in shared accommodation with other housemates.
Private accommodation with access to premium services and shared spaces.
Room in a host's home, offering an authentic experience at often lower costs.
Reduced-rent accommodation with a host in exchange for daily assistance or services.
An individual landlord
An Ambassador landlord is an individual landlord who has already listed many accommodations on the platform. Book the accommodation with confidence!
Activate if you only want to see accommodation available for young professionals, freelancers and digital nomads.
Activate if you only want to see accommodation available for student.
Show only the accommodations available for people with reduced mobility.
The ideal option if you can't come in person before moving in
Housing aid can give your budget a boost! Consider doing a simulation on the CAF website: the amount depends on your personal situation and your income.