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How to find a studio for rent in Montrouge?

Studapart helps you find a studio in Montrouge where near 9,000 people are looking for housing every year! Read more

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FAQ on studios in Montrouge

🏙️ How to find your studio in Montrouge in a few clicks?

Check out our selection of verified studios available in Montrouge. Studapart really makes your search for studios in Montrouge easier thanks to the %count% proposed accommodations bookable from your sofa.

💶 What is the average rent of a studio in Montrouge?

The average price is 744€ for studios and 1439€ for 2 rooms in Montrouge.

🚀 How to book an accommodation in studio in Montrouge?

To book a studio in Montrouge with Studapart, nothing could be easier! Register on Studapart.com, apply, book in Montrouge. Get an answer within 72h maximum guaranteed.

✨ How to get my housing subsidies for a studio in Montrouge?

Test your eligibility with your CAF Montrouge or register on Studapart to benefit from our housing assistance service. Most of the %count% accommodations available on Studapart are subsidized and therefore eligible for housing financial assistance (such as APL, ALS or ALF).

🙌🏼 How to find a studio in Montrouge without a guarantor?

To find a studio in Montrouge without a guarantor, register on Studapart and activate a Guaranteed Profile.