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Finding student accommodation in Écully

Are you looking for student accommodation in or near Écully ? Studapart, the housing platform of more than 150 French schools and universities, helps you finding a home. Read more

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How can you find accommodation in Écully where around 10 000 students from all over the world come to study every year? Studapart takes care of everything by offering you a diverse range of accommodations: in student residences, studios, shared flats or homestays. 

Student accommodation in Ecully boosts the municipality

Écully, city under the influence of the dynamism of Lyon


Écully is a dynamic student city. Écully is attracting more and more students from all over the world. It welcomes many from Lyon, neighboring municipalities and abroad. It is sometimes difficult to find accommodation in Écully because demand is growing there. However, the municipality has a variety of student accommodation. The rent is lower than in Lyon and is only 16 minutes from the center of Lyon by public transport.

 What average surface for student accommodation in Écully ?

The size of a student dwelling in Écully compared to the national average

On average, a student rental in Ecully varies around 23m² against a national average of 21m².

What kind of accommodation should I choose for my stay in Écully ?

Students' favourite option are student residence in Écully

The most popular accommodation for students in Écully are studios and one-bedroom apartments in a student residence. These residences are larger than in Lyon, where you have to pay a higher rent to stay in a private apartment. Students at Écully more rarely opt for a studio located in the town with a private individual. They prefer to stay in a shared flat.


What average budget should I plan for student accommodation in Écully ? 

Students will have to plan on average 450€ for student housing in Écully.

The average budget for a student in Écully is 450€. An amount lower than the provincial average which is 560€. This is lower than the budget of a student in Lyon which is 627€. Despite some disparities in the region, the average rent is 580€. It is more difficult to find student accommodation in Lyon. Other more distant cities like Dardilly or Craponne are cheaper than Écully.


Who are the guarantors of student rentals in Écully ?

Family acts as a guarantor in most cases

In Écully 84% of students have a family member as guarantor.


Where do students studying in Écully come from ? 

Most students are from the region

Écully benefits from its proximity to Lyon and allows quick access to the major universities from Lyon such as the École normale supérieure de Lyon, Jean Moulin University, Sciences po Lyon and MBWay. One can find there students for the majority coming from the surrounding cities. More than 15 nationalities are still represented. French and international students are drawn to its proximity to Lyon and the specialization of the different fields of study. They also appreciate the proximity to the Lyonnaise metropolis while allowing them to enjoy the benefits of the region.


How to book student accommodation in Écully using Studapart?

Studapart offers more than 1000 student dwellings in Écully

Studapart specialises in student accommodation and provides students with a dedicated online housing platform. The platform has offers of studios, flatshares, homestays and apartments in student residences in Écully. With Studapart, they can book their student accommodation in Écully online, with or without a visit. 


What do students benefit from using Studapart? 
Studapart makes the search for accommodation easier and has exclusive offers in store 


  • A 100% secure platform

We check quality and authenticity in our user’s profiles and listings. 


  • The Studapart Guarantee 

No guarantor? No issues.  When you book your student accommodation, you can subscribe to the Studapart guarantee. Studapart will then act as your guarantor for the whole duration of your stay. 


  • The Studapart Certification

As it is difficult to secure a student rental in Écully without a French guarantor, Studapart offers to international students a way of certifying their creditworthiness and authenticity of their guarantor’s supporting documents. 

FAQ on student accommodations in Écully

🏙️ How to find your student accommodation in Écully in a few clicks?

Check out our selection of verified student accommodations available in Écully. Studapart really makes your search for student accommodations in Écully easier thanks to the %count% proposed accommodations bookable from your sofa.

🚀 How to book an accommodation in student accommodation in Écully?

To book a student accommodation in Écully with Studapart, nothing could be easier! Register on Studapart.com, apply, book in Écully. Get an answer within 72h maximum guaranteed.

✨ How to get my housing subsidies for a student accommodation in Écully?

Test your eligibility with your CAF Écully or register on Studapart to benefit from our housing assistance service. Most of the %count% accommodations available on Studapart are subsidized and therefore eligible for housing financial assistance (such as APL, ALS or ALF).

🙌🏼 How to find a student accommodation in Écully without a guarantor?

To find a student accommodation in Écully without a guarantor, register on Studapart and activate a Guaranteed Profile.