Staying close to Mines Paris Tech is no easy task without the right support as accommodation in Paris is so demanded. But don't worry: Studapart and its partners offer Mines Paris-Tech students exclusivity on accommodation of all kinds, suitable for all needs. This way.
Studapart partners: the best way to find accommodation near Mines ParisTech
By partnering with Studapart in 2016, Mines ParisTech chose to offer its students an accommodation service that lives up to its reputation. Indeed, it is very difficult to find accommodation around Mines ParisTech on your own. But Studapart is a partner of Nexity and Studélites, among others. We offer accommodation in these partner residences exclusively to Mines ParisTech students. If you would rather rent a private apartment from an individual, this is also possible with Studapart! Our platform brings together 5000 private owners looking for a tenant. They trust our platform and are ready to welcome you!
Advantages of using the platform
Mines ParisTech x Studapart
Exclusivity on the platform
The platform is entirely private and exclusive to students of Mines ParisTech.The Studapart Guarantee
Parce qu’il est difficile de louer sans garant en France, Studapart peut se porter garant pour vous sur toute la durée de location. Grâce à un partenariat avec Allianz / Mila votre dossier sera renforcé auprès de tous les loueurs, sur Studapart ou ailleurs !Exclusive ads
The platform gives you access to a range of dwellings addressed specifically to the community of Mines ParisTech (studios, rooms in shared apartments, student residences…).Mines ParisTech, a prestigious engineering school
Mines ParisTech is an engineering school founded in 1783. Located in the heart of Paris on the edge of the Luxembourg Gardens, Mines ParisTech is also the leader of the ParisTech cluster, bringing together 12 engineering and management schools. Many of the school's 1,000 engineering students come from preparatory classes and benefit from a very high level of training. Mines ParisTech also welcomes 35% international students for more than 70 nationalities.