Why is IFAG using Studapart ?
IFAG is a business school, operating in many French cities such as Nantes, Lille, Paris and Lyon. IFAG is a member of HEP Education, just like IDRAC Business School or ICD. Thousands of students are enrolled. With post-bac admissions, students are often young and their parents are anxious to find their accommodation in Toulouse, Paris or elsewhere. They regularly inquire about student housing. Studapart provided IFAG and its students with a turnkey solution. Every year, students book their student accommodation online on the platform.
IFAG talks about its student housing platform
Advantages of using the platform
IFAG x Studapart
Exclusivity on the platform
The platform is entirely private and exclusive to students of IFAG.
The Studapart Guarantee
Renting in France without a french guarantor can be a hassle. Studapart has partnered with Allianz and can become your guarantor during the whole duration of your rent.
Exclusive ads
The platform gives you access to a range of dwellings addressed specifically to the community of IFAG (studios, rooms in shared apartments, student residences…).