ESDES x Studapart

Partners for housing!

logement étudiant à l'ESDES

Why is ESDES using Studapart ?

ESDES is a business school in Lyon, member of the Catholic University of Lyon. The school can be integrated after a joint competition organized by Access and bringing together ESDES, ESSCA and IESEG. As soon as they are admitted, students and their parents are concerned with their students' accommodation in Lyon. ESDES did not have multiple solutions. For this reason, the school called on Studapart to provide a global solution for its students. Our platform allows ESDES students to book accommodation with a private individual, in a student residence in Lyon but also a rental or shared accommodation anywhere in France and abroad.

ESDES talks about its student housing platform

Advantages of using the platform
ESDES x Studapart

Exclusivity on the platform

The platform is entirely private and exclusive to students of ESDES.

The Studapart Guarantee

Renting in France without a french guarantor can be a hassle. Studapart has partnered with Allianz and can become your guarantor during the whole duration of your rent.

Exclusive ads

The platform gives you access to a range of dwellings addressed specifically to the community of ESDES (studios, rooms in shared apartments, student residences…).