ESCP Europe x Studapart

Partners for housing!

Student housing near ESCP Europe

Finding accommodation nearby when studying at ESCP Paris can be complicated. It's hard to find what you're looking for in the Parisian capital! But don't worry: Studapart and its partners offer ESCP students accommodation of all kinds, suitable for most needs. Over here. 


Studapart and its partners: the best solution to stay close to ESCP Europe

Studapart and ESCP have been working closely closely together to help the school's students find accommodation around ESCP. This partnership gives ESCP students access to housing of all kinds and for all budgets. 
Student residences are one of the most popular options for young people. We have clearly understood this need and have built partnerships with these establishments, such as YouFirst or Studélites. 

Students sometimes wish to stay in private apartments in Paris close to ESCP Europe. It's also possible on Studapart thanks to our 5,000 Parisian private landlords. They trust us and will trust you! 


Advantages of using the platform
ESCP Europe x Studapart

Exclusivity on the platform

The platform is entirely private and exclusive to students of ESCP Europe.

The Studapart Guarantee

Parce qu’il est difficile de louer sans garant en France, Studapart peut se porter garant pour vous sur toute la durée de location. Grâce à un partenariat avec Allianz / Mila votre dossier sera renforcé auprès de tous les loueurs, sur Studapart ou ailleurs !

Exclusive ads

The platform gives you access to a range of dwellings addressed specifically to the community of ESCP Europe (studios, rooms in shared apartments, student residences…).

ESCP Paris is one of the world's leading business schools

Created in 1819, also known as Sup de Co, ESCP is a Franco-European business school. Its Paris Montparnasse campus is located in Paris in the 15th arrondissement. It is one of the most prestigious business schools and welcomes 4600 students every year, spread over 6 European campuses.