8 CHAMBRES MEUBLÉES - Stockfeld - Fille Uniquement
Situé dans le quartier du Stockfeld laissez vous charmer par cette magnifique maison de 400 m² plus un jardin de 7 ares.
Le bien est composé de 7 chambres plus 2 studios (nous contacter pour connaître le nombre de chambres disponible actuellement). Il comprend un espace de vie de 100m² , une cuisine indépendante entièrement équipée, une salle de bains, trois grandes salles d’eau dont deux avec WC et deux WC séparés. Avec deux terrasses dont une de 30m². Le bien est meublé de A à Z.. Transport en commun à deux pas du bien, arrêt Rodolphe Reuss.
Chauffage collectif au Gaz compris dans les charges.
Bail individuel par chambre
Les charges seront réglées sous forme de forfait de charges de 50€ par mois. Elles comprennent l'eau froide, l’eau chaude, le chauffage, l’entretien et l'électricité des parties communes ainsi que les ordures ménagères. L’électricité et l’abonnement wifi sont à rajouter pour un montant de 20€ par colocataire
Le dépôt de garantie sera un mois de loyer hors charges.
La colocation est éligible aux APL.
Les locataires devront présenter un garant ou une confirmation de la garantie VISALE ou GARANTME (à jour).
350 € TTC de frais d’agence sont à prévoir comprenant la visite du logement, les frais de dossier, la rédaction du bail. (dont 50€ TTC pour la réalisation de l'état des lieux d'entrée).
Studapart is a wonderful platform. It helped me to rent an apartment at Marseille without a french guarantor which is difficult in France. It's absolutely safe and reliable.
31 years old
I came to Paris for an internship, and from the very beginning a person fom Studapart contacted me to help me finding accomodation. I wasn't definitely expecting that, but it was awesome, since finally I was allocated in a student residence.
22 years old
Good platform for finding a home in France as a student. Would highly recommend them. I particularly liked getting 1 on 1 help from them, and they could answer all the questions I had about living in France!
25 years old
Very professional with excellent customer service. As an International student, I highly recommend Studapart. In case of a problem or emergency, one is guaranteed help and guidance from the Studapart team.
24 years old
Studapart platform is very easy to navigate. Their staff people answer very quickly, I never wait more than two days. Amongst several rental companies, Studapart was very professional and talented on their tasks.
29 years old
starting from
430€/ mois
Included in service charges
The renter accepts to rent the accommodation in full or by the room.
The guarantor is a sign of confidence for your landlord! It can be a person you know or an organization who guarantees you are a trustworthy person.
An exceptional accommodation and/or a landlord validated by our team!
Housing aid (APL, ALS) can give your budget a boost! Consider doing a simulation on the CAF website: the amount depends on your personal situation and your income.
Last seen 3 days ago
This ad is offered by a real estate expert, ensuring responsiveness and quality service.
Commitment to reply within 72hrs. Transparency (price, conditions). Respect (safe and healthy environment).
ID card front and back OR Passport OR Driving licence. Don’t forget to check if the document is still valid.
Student card OR Proof of enrollment OR Acceptance e-mail
An RIB or Relevé d’Identité Bancaire is a French bank document which details the coordinates of your bank branch and account. If you have an IBAN, it works as well.
3 last rent receipts (is the guarantor is a tenant) OR Last property tax (if the guarantor is a landlord). Please include all pages of the document ❗
Most recent bill (electricity, telephone, etc…). Make sure the bill isn’t dated more than 3 months ago.
Last tax notice in full (4 pages). Make sure the guarantor’s taxable income is well above the minimum required by the landlord.
A document given to an employee when they have been paid, detailing the amount of pay given
ID card front and back OR Passport OR Drivng licence OR Residency permit. Don’t forget to make sure the document is still valid.
An RIB or Relevé d’Identité Bancaire is a French bank document which details the coordinates of your bank branch and account. If you have an IBAN, it works as well.
Studapart becomes your guarantor over the whole duration of your stay and adds weight to your rental record