How to find a summer job?
The summer period is an opportunity for all young people and students to find a job. The few weeks of summer represent a very great intensification of work in the fields of tourism, catering, services in general. Each year, more than 50% of young people between the ages of 16 and 23 choose a summer job to keep busy during the holidays (Diplomeo survey, 2016).
In addition to putting money aside for vacations or other projects, the experience of a summer job is an opportunity to meet new people, to confront the world of work, to keep a good rhythm of life, and why not discover a vocation. The experience of seasonal work is often highly valued by employers. The summer job is therefore a great opportunity for students! But how to find one? We give you all our tips!
Our tips for easily finding a summer job
A good CV maximizes your chances of being accepted by recruiters. A few tips are good to know: the CV must be concise, clear and personalized enough to stand out from other applications.
You must highlight the most important information in your profile, but especially the ones that define you the most.
The field of study as well as the diplomas obtained must appear at first glance. You can list your academic background in chronological order just after the general information (last name, first name, contact, job search title). Also, facilitate the work of recruiters by specifying your availability and your contact details (dates, even times).
The candidate has every interest in highlighting his previous work experience, by emphasizing his qualities and acquired skills. Certain qualities are often valued such as dynamism, autonomy, teamwork, rigor or versatility, so do not hesitate to include them in your personal skills. Specifying your areas of interest is a good way to personalize your application and make the recruiter want to meet you during a job interview.
The cover letter, when requested, is an opportunity for you to further personalize your profile and above all to make the link between your skills and the needs of the company. You have to explain to the employer that his company needs you! This letter can also explain the reasons for which you are applying: interest in the field of activity, search for experience, desire to discover a new profession, etc.
Once the profile of the candidate has been created, all that remains is to find where to send it. Many recruiters publish their summer job offers on job offer platforms: jooble, indeed, jobteaser, Season Pro, Jobaviz, Welcome to the Jungle, or even sometimes LinkedIn. The advantage of recruitment platforms is that it is easy to follow your application, to know if it has been opened by the company. Do not hesitate to program alerts on these job ad sites to be the first to apply for new offers and maximize your chances of being recruited.
For young people, the State has set up job search information and assistance centres, particularly for first jobs and student jobs, for example. You can go to the site of the Youth Information and Documentation Center which puts many contract offers online, but also directly to a youth information office (BIJ) which can guide you and provide you with all the advice you need to your research.
You also have the option of going directly to meet the recruiter making unsolicited applications. Some businesses and restaurants display searches at the entrance to the establishment. Going door-to-door, leaving your CV to each merchant is a good way to find your summer job.
This initiative is proof of your great will and motivation which are qualities appreciated in many jobs. Your spontaneity is a quality appreciated everywhere!
Do not forget to ask those around you if they can help you in your search. Relatives and friends form a good network that may allow you to find several proposals in a few minutes.

What salary for a summer job?
The summer job is a great opportunity for students and young people in general. This experience allows you to become familiar with the world of work, to earn your own money, to meet new people and to diversify your professional experiences.
Seasonal contracts are often fixed-term contracts (CDD) and provide remuneration at the minimum wage (8.30 euros net per hour). The summer job is economically more interesting than the internships which are often paid at the legal minimum, that is to say 600 euros.
If you opt for interim jobs (temporary contracts) you will also be paid the hourly minimum wage but you benefit from bonuses at the end of each of them!
This job can help finance studies, projects and vacations.
Summer jobs: the sectors and companies that are recruiting
The search for a summer job must turn to certain fields of activity which are known to require reinforcement during the summer period. These professions are impacted by the dynamism of tourism in particular.
Catering, for example, is an environment that recruits a lot of seasonal jobs in the summer. Many waiters, waiters, bartenders or even hosts are wanted for this busy period.
In general, tourism is a good field to turn to for a summer job. You can apply in the hotel industry, in events or in culture!
The trade also experiences an increase in its activity during the summer period and the stores are looking for new sales assistants, cashiers and hosts. This is an opportunity to gain experience in sales, which is an asset in many sectors of activity.
If you are a student, you must have already experienced childcare. Many parents are looking for babysitters for their holidays or for the weeks when they work. Facebook groups centralize all these requests.
Summer jobs appear from May and June, and many professionals appreciate the collaboration with lively and motivated young students. Do not hesitate any longer, your job may be waiting for you somewhere!