Finding emergency accommodation: finding accommodation at the last minute
How to find student accommodation at the last minute? Studapart gives you all the information you need to respond effectively to this emergency situation.
Finding emergency accommodation: finding accommodation at the last minute
And suddenly, on D-1, a place becomes available! The opportunity is too good! You dreamed of continuing your studies at this establishment and now it opens its doors to you ... A great joy, a few days before the start of the school year, which is quickly accompanied by a distressing question: yes, but where to stay?
Finding student accommodation at the last minute? It's possible
Last minute changes are a common occurrence in a student's life. You have to know how to shake up your projects when a few opportunities suddenly arise. Even to go to the other end of France. But the search for accommodation is complicated the more so as it is late. Everything was taken by storm long before the start of the school year and if ever, you think, there are any apartments available, they are probably very expensive, or too far, or not good at all. Or even all three at the same time.
False ! There are solutions.
Your first instinct? Use www.studapart.com. At any time of the year, we are able to offer accommodation available for students everywhere in France: studio, apartment, room, shared apartment, university residence... All you need to do is apply for accommodation by clicking on "apply" on the ads pages.
In an emergency, you probably won't find your dream home. However, you should not take the first apartment you come across. Or make sure you can leave it quickly if it doesn't suit you. You should base your research with the idea that your next accommodation will be temporary.

How to target your search for temporary accommodation?
First of all, you can submit your accommodation request to the school or university that receives you. The establishments are confronted each year with this type of problem and have by experience anticipated solutions to find accommodation, even if it is temporary. A large number are Studapart partners and benefit from the services of our platform. They can recommend a real estate agency to you. Some schools or universities still maintain notice boards where students can post their classifieds. You may find a home that has become available, or a roommate opportunity.
CROUS university accommodation
Although, by reputation, the accommodation in university residences is full and the lists of requests are endless, you can always make a request to the CROUS (regional center for university and school works), even at the last minute. It is not uncommon for a withdrawal to leave a room. So even if the odds of success are low, even if you are not a stock holder, you should give it a shot. Regularly check the adverts on the website trouverunlogement.lescrous.fr. There is an emergency accommodation service, Bed & Crous, which offers short-term accommodation.
Homes for young workers
The alternative to dormitory accommodation is the Young Workers' Home which students can also use, since it is broadly open to all young working people. The building in the heart of the cities offers, when available, collective or individual rooms for an affordable rent (between 300 and 400 € per month depending on the city). Contact the associations of young workers via their websites such as www.uncllaj.org, www.aljt.com or www.cljt.com. You can also contact UNME (National Union of Student Homes) which offers hostel solutions for students, but they are rarer. Otherwise, why not opt for a youth hostel? It is not very expensive and it is an ideal solution for temporary accommodation. This gives you time to find something more stable for the future.
Private student residences
If the CROUS rooms are not available, you can inquire at the private student residences. They are a little more expensive, but often much more comfortable. A good solution to meet other students while enjoying a fully equipped private space. These residences are a recent trend in the real estate world and are gradually increasing in number. You will find accommodation in private residences with Studapart. We also recommend the Lokaviz website.
The room at the inhabitant
This is perhaps the most available solution in an emergency. A homestay may even be the most convenient and economical option. And become the friendliest. In addition, you do not lose your rights to APL or various aids. But you have to search the ads (you will not find these solutions in an agency). Studapart offers them, but you can also try Facebook groups or sites such as Le Bon Coin. Why not opt for intergenerational housing? It is about staying with a person who would be the age of our grandparents or parents to bring him company and a little help on a daily basis. A social role that adds to your status as a tenant! You will find all the information on the pari solidaire website.
The student roommate
Sharing a rental with other students is also an inexpensive solution, but a little more difficult to find in temporary accommodation. If the opportunity presents itself, do not hesitate to seize it even if you have to make a long-term commitment. Student shared accommodation is a very viable and increasingly popular solution. No doubt thanks to "L’Auberge Espagnole", the wonderful film by Cédric Klapisch...

Plan ahead for the last minute
Of course, it's hard to predict the unpredictable. But if you have chosen an establishment and you are still on the waiting list, we recommend that you prepare your rental file in advance just in case. And to collect the necessary parts in a safe place:
- Your identity card or passport (at least a copy or a scan),
- Your school certificate
- Proof of address (for example your council tax notice or an EDF receipt)
- A certificate of your eligibility for APL, if applicable, provided by CAF,
- Your RIB
- Information about your guarantor:
- a copy of an identity document,
- a copy of proof of address,
- a copy of their last tax notice
- a copy of his last three payslips (or any other proof of income or employment)
We also recommend that you hold the commitments of your guarantor, both in terms of the amount he is willing to guarantee and the duration of the deposit he wishes to insure. This allows you to check that the slot you want fits into the nails.
It is unlikely that a landlord (or lessor) will ask you for all the documents cited, but it is important to have those he asks you on the day. missing document.
Why join Studapart in case of last minute?
To find your temporary accommodation at the very last minute, join Studapart! Our platform specializes in rentals and manages all kinds of situations, even the most extreme. Studapart is the guarantee of finding the right student accommodation at the right time.
By completing the housing application form, you benefit from the Studapart Guarantee, a rental deposit which considerably improves your chances of success. Renters find that you have a reliable and serious guarantor and more easily accept your rental request. Many rental companies trust Studapart. They have the assurance of a trusted partner who guarantees them and protects them against possible delinquencies.
There is no shortage of solutions for finding accommodation at the last minute. There are many possibilities on the web and in the universities themselves. In addition, with Studapart, you can be sure to multiply your assets to achieve your goals.