Visale warranty: how to get it?
The Visale guarantee, formerly known as the Student Locative Guarantee, is a device that allows you to obtain a deposit if a guarantor has not been found. A definite plus in your student life.
Visale warranty: how to get it?
The deposit has always been the key to success in finding accommodation, especially in the area of student rentals. Renters know that income is scarce and not always regular when pursuing studies. Some student courses have even been broken for lack of a deposit and therefore of accommodation. Faced with this situation, the French state is acting by establishing housing assistance, including the Student Rental Deposit (the CLÉ) so that students without a guarantor can still have a deposit. The scheme was taken over by Action Logement and became the Visale guarantee (Visa pour le Logement et l'Emploi).
What is the Visale warranty? Definition
The Visale guarantee is a scheme offered by Action Logement, an organization dedicated to access to housing for people under the age of thirty, including students. It is also aimed at employees who are about to find a new job, regardless of their age (they must, however, meet a few criteria). This visa for housing and employment is a boon especially for students without a guarantor. If you are in this case, the Visale guarantee allows you to access student accommodation by insuring the deposit, that is to say the unpaid rents and the security deposit.
With the Visale guarantee, you no longer need to canvass family or relatives to find a reliable guarantor. It is the Visale guarantee that will be your guarantor, your surety. This system is free, complete, reliable and recognized by a large number of rental companies. Suffice to say that it makes life easier when looking for student accommodation.
Through the Visale guarantee, Action Logement intervenes if you ever encounter payment problems. He grants you a kind of loan which allows him to pay the owner-lessor (the lessor, therefore). You can repay Action Logement later, with complete peace of mind. To find out where you are with this form of loan, the website www.visale.fr gives you access to a Visale area which will allow you to repay at your own pace. With such a guarantor, the landlord of the apartment you want will have peace of mind until the end of the lease: With you, no unpaid rents!
Another important advantage is that the Visale guarantee provides you with a security deposit if you need it. This is a sum of money, usually equal to the amount of the rent, that you must give to the landlord when signing the lease. This sum is a financial guarantee for the lessor. It is supposed to return it to you when you leave the rental, unless of course you have caused damage that requires repair, or if you have unpaid rent. The degradation is noted by the check-out inventory of fixtures, by comparing it with the inventory of fixtures of entry (this is why we recommend that you be very scrupulous during the check-in inventory of fixtures: because the lessor will be during the inventory of fixtures of exit).

The Visale guarantee, a key device for your home
In 2013, the government launched the CLÉ (student rental deposit), a device that allowed students to obtain a deposit and therefore access housing. This device, managed by the CROUS, came directly from the state. In short, it was the French people as a whole who were your guarantor.
This state mechanism, operating on the principle of solidarity through taxation, has since been taken over by a private organization, Action Logement. The CLÉ therefore became the Visale guarantee: Visa for Housing and Employment.
The system remains accessible to students, and in general to anyone under the age of thirty looking for accommodation, most often temporary. This is often the case in studies where you have to change cities, and sometimes only know your destination at the very last moment.
The Visale guarantee therefore allows you to overcome the problems of deposit, security deposit and other points that often block access to accommodation. This allows you to build up significant peace of mind at a time when you need all your concentration to succeed in your studies and live life to the fullest as a student.
Who is eligible for the Visale warranty?
To benefit from the Visale warranty, you must be of legal age and be under thirty years of age. You can also request it if you already benefit from Action Logement's mobility lease or if you are housed by a so-called rental intermediation organization.
The Visale guarantee applies to your main residence (occupied at least eight months in the year). The rent must not exceed 1300 € per month, charges included (1500 € for Paris and Ile-de-France). Housing, furnished or not, must be recognized as decent and must of course be the subject of a rental contract in due form (this seems obvious but it is worth remembering).
People over the age of thirty, even if they are not students, can also have access to the Visale guarantee under certain conditions: for example, you must have been recently hired in a company, or have received a promise of employment, or still earn a net monthly salary of less than 1,500 €, or finally be in a situation of professional mobility…). These elements, it is true, hardly concern the students.
In summary, you are eligible for the Visale warranty if
- you are over 18 and under 30
- or you are eligible for Action Logement's mobility lease
- or you are supported by a rental organization
- your accommodation is subject to a rental contract
- the accommodation is your main residence
- the monthly rent is less than € 1,300 in the provinces and € 1,500 in the Paris region
- the accommodation is adequate and recognized as decent.
To find out if you are eligible for the Visale warranty, it is best to go to the site and answer the questionnaire which will tell you whether you are eligible or not. This works for tenants, but landlords can also find out if their accommodation is eligible.
How do I get a Visale warranty?
To request the Visale warranty, go to the visale.fr website to create your personal space. First and foremost, you need to enter your email address and set a password. A few additional questions are asked for statistical purposes.
Once your personal space has been created, you must click on “Apply for a visa”, following which several questions are asked: your contact details, your address, your situation. Two supporting documents are required: the identity document (identity card, passport) and the school certificate (or student card). Proof of resources or employment are requested from employees but students are exempt.
Once everything is validated, all you have to do is wait for Action Logement's response. This will arrive by email or sms. If your file is accepted, you can upload it to the site in your personal space.
The document will indicate the period of validity of the Visale guarantee as well as the maximum amount of guaranteed rent. From this information, you can start your search for accommodation (with a good chance of success). You can present your Visale guarantee to the rental owner of the accommodation you want. It is very likely that this one will appreciate.