Je dispose 1 chambre indépendante dans une maison en colocation jardin avec cuisine équipée, machine à lavée, frigidaire, four, micro onde, wifi,(grande vitesse fibre optique), salle de bain, toilette, commode, lit bureau, quartier calme.
Salle de bain, toilette, cuisine partagés avec autres locataires dans logement.
15 minutes par bus 252 à métro ligne 12 ( porte de la chapelle ) 5minute par bus 356 à métro Saint Denis université ligne 13 15 minutes à pied au métro Saint Denis université. Villes aux alentours : Paris, Pierrefitte Stains, Saint Denis, Gonesse, université plus proche : université 8 Saint Denis, université Villetaneuse. Pour les étudiants, il y a possibilité de demander APL.
PS cet logement destiné à la colocation, propriétaire ne vive pas dedans.
A Studapart partner, Carole has already offered many accommodations on the platform. Book the accommodation with confidence!
A Studapart partner, Jeanne has already offered many accommodations on the platform. Book the accommodation with confidence!
A Studapart partner, Elhadj has already offered many accommodations on the platform. Book the accommodation with confidence!
A Studapart partner, Cédric has already offered many accommodations on the platform. Book the accommodation with confidence!
The guarantor is a sign of confidence for your landlord! It can be a person you know or an organization who guarantees you are a trustworthy person.
An exceptional accommodation and/or a landlord validated by our team!
Housing aid (APL, ALS) can give your budget a boost! Consider doing a simulation on the CAF website: the amount depends on your personal situation and your income.
Last seen 3 days ago
Commitment to reply within 72hrs. Transparency (price, conditions). Respect (safe and healthy environment).
1 people submitted their application.
ID card front and back OR Passport OR Driving licence. Don’t forget to check if the document is still valid.
Student card OR Proof of enrollment OR Acceptance e-mail
An RIB or Relevé d’Identité Bancaire is a French bank document which details the coordinates of your bank branch and account. If you have an IBAN, it works as well.
ID card front and back OR Passport OR Drivng licence OR Residency permit. Don’t forget to make sure the document is still valid.
An RIB or Relevé d’Identité Bancaire is a French bank document which details the coordinates of your bank branch and account. If you have an IBAN, it works as well.
3 last rent receipts (is the guarantor is a tenant) OR Last property tax (if the guarantor is a landlord). Please include all pages of the document ❗
Most recent bill (electricity, telephone, etc…). Make sure the bill isn’t dated more than 3 months ago.
Last tax notice in full (4 pages). Make sure the guarantor’s taxable income is well above the minimum required by the landlord.
A document given to an employee when they have been paid, detailing the amount of pay given
Studapart becomes your guarantor over the whole duration of your stay and adds weight to your rental record